Tuesday, May 10, 2016

How to Avoid Spam Referrals in Getting into Your Website

Spam referrals have been a problem for many years now. This type of artificial traffic only creates inaccurate reports to website data. Too much of this can cause overloading of servers, which is detrimental. Google Analytics may show reports of increase in website visits, yet how sure are you that these visits are real and not just spam referrals?

Spam referrals should always be avoided. First, they cause an inaccurate report to Google Analytics data. You may seem to be looking at a great number of visits, yet surprisingly these are spam referrals. Another reason is that spam referrals can harm your server as their number causes overloading. This results to a slower speed in loading your page. As a result,genuine users will not be happy in checking your website.

There are some common referral spam domains that you should look out for. Here are a few good names to cite.

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Source: How To Block Website Referral Spam | Hallam Internet

Blocking these spam referrals are possible. There are two possible ways how:
  • .ht access file
This configuration file is used to control your server. It is places right in the root of your domain blocking every referral spam domain from your website. Not only that, it also removes spam referrals which areal ready in the server which prevent overloading. However, one should be very careful in using this command. Putting in a wrong code can put your website offline. Thus, make sure someone who are good at coding does this task for you.
  • Filters in Google Analytics
Excluding internal or agency visitors that are considered not genuine is possible with the filters in Google Analytics. Here’s a quickguide in doing so.

1. Login to your Google Analytics account
2. Click Admin
3. Click All Filters
4. Give the filter a name
5. Select Predefined
6. Select ‘Exclude’, ‘traffic from IP addresses’ and ‘thatare equal to’ in the boxes below
7. Enter the IP Address that you wish to exclude, and thenclick Save.

Source: How To Block Website Referral Spam | Hallam Internet

Other things to do to avoid spam referrals:

Monitor your server logs weekly. It is important that you know whether you are being attacked by spam referrals. Early detection can save your website from being affected.
Use firewalls. Firewalls are important as they can filter bad bots going into your server. Further, it protects your website from any harm as it can easily detect attacks and notify you as soon as something is detected.

Find someone who can monitor all activities in your system. Having a systems administrator can help you secure your company’s website. The best person to deal with such spam referrals or bad bots is someone who is an expert on online malicious content.

Your website should always be guarded and secured from these spam referrals. Like mentioned earlier, overloading of spam referrals in your servers can create havoc and slow the speed of loading of your website. User satisfaction is at stake here; thus, it is important to have your websites monitored 24/7 from these spam referrals.

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